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Speeding and Traffic Tickets

Specialized legal services for those who have been charged with speeding or other traffic violations.

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Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)

A DWI is the same thing as a DUI in Missouri.

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Insurance Law

Insurance law is the practice of law surrounding insurance, including insurance policies and claims.

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Civil Trial Litigation

Jason MacPherson has been an attorney for over 22 years, handled almost every type of case imaginable and presented cases all over Southern Missouri AND has been a prosecutor for over 16 years.

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Uninsured Motorists

Missouri has a financial responsibility law requiring drivers of automobiles to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance.

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Pedestrian Accidents

In Missouri, drivers have a legal duty to keep a careful lookout at all times, not just for other vehicle drivers but also for pedestrians. Unfortunately, not all drivers live up to this duty.

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Motorcycle Accidents

An avid motorcyclist once stated, “It’s not if, it’s when you are going to be involved in a crash. If you haven't been involved in one, you haven’t been riding long enough.”

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Boating Accidents

Many of us enjoy summer days spending time boating on one of the many local lakes in Southern Missouri. However, each year avoidable boating accidents happen causing injuries or death to those involved.

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Criminal Law

Criminal law involves a system of legal rules designed to keep the public safe and deter wrongful conduct. Those who violate the law face incarceration, fines, and other penalties. The American criminal justice system is both complex, and adversarial in nature. With the exception of minor traffic violations, accused individuals will require the assistance of an attorney.

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Serious Injury

Serious injuries can be caused by a variety of avoidable incidents.

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Wrongful Death

Nothing can be more tragic than losing a loved one especially if that death is caused by the wrongful acts of another person. The pain and anguish can be unbearable especially if the surviving family is left to sort out complicated financial and legal issues.

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Dog Bites

Missouri Revised Statutes section 273.036.1 says that where a dog owner's animal bites someone else, the owner is liable for the resulting injuries.

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Auto / Truck Accident

Car and truck crashes can occur in the blink of an eye and just like that your whole world has changed.

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Personal Injury

Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property.

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